Sops/Sheffield - NFLD
Metals Creek Resources has established a significant land package to explore for volcanic-hosted uranium deposits in north-central Newfoundland. Three separate claim blocks have been staked totaling 1577 claims, owned 100% by the company. The properties cover 394 square kilometers of highly prospective radio-active volcanic rocks previously unexplored for Uranium.
The Sop's Arm, Sheffield Lake and Sheffield North project cover Silurian aged, sub aerial felsic volcanic units and related younger intrusive rocks. Previous exploration was limited to grassroots programs aimed at gold mineralization, however, uranium was never sought after commodity.
Since Metals Creek acquired this package, Bayswater Uranium Corporation and Altius Resources alone have staked in excess of 12,100 claims covering 3024 square kilometers. This staking rush has been driven by significant discoveries of uranium showings hosted in rhyolites associated with a collapsed caldera complex. This geological setting is analogous to the systems associated with the Streltsovka caldera complex in Russia and the McDermitt caldera in Nevada.
Recent results from Bayswater's Whisker Valley claims, bordering to the north-east of the Sheffield North claims, include values ranging 0.1% to 0.89% U3O8 (Bayswater PR, December 5, 2007) from the Amanda Zone. Drilling is planned for this zone.
The Metals Creek property has recently been subject to a Joint Venture with Uranium City Resources (UCR-V) who can earn a 50% interest for funding the next $1.4 million of exploration expenditures ($400,000 firm in the first year). A program of airborne radiometrics/magnetics, lake bottom geochemical sampling, with follow-up prospecting and sampling is planned for 2008. Metals Creek is the operator.